Aptoide is all about social app discovery. You discover something great and you share it with the community using your Aptoide Store. When it comes to Aptoide's community, Dwiko Lukito is a legend. Nearly a year ago we were reporting that Lukito had reached his first million downloads. Today Lukito is reaching 13 million downloads and nearing 50.000 subscribers! 🎉 Crazy!
That's why we've decided to analyze his store to try and see what made him such a success on Aptoide. Cuz, guess what? You too can have a piece of the cake. All you have to do is wise up and learn about the science behind Lukito's growth!
So let's see what you need to do to have a store like Lukito's!
1. Select
The core of your store is app selections. You need to try as many different apps as you can and share them on your store. Lukito is contantly trying new apps. The ones he likes he uploads. You need to find your voice, your opinion - you need to become an influencer! One of the best ways to build your audience is by writing insightful reviews about apps and games and be helpful to people looking to solve a problem ("is there an app for this?").
2. Upload
This may seem like a no-brainer, but the more you use Aptoide Uploader the more apps you'll have. The more apps you have the more choice you give your subscribers. If you look at Lukito's store you can see that he has so far uploaded nearly 190.000 apps!
3. Brand
Lukito has built an entire brand around his store with logo, colors, and themes (just check out the top banner - that's his own image!).
4. Promote
Lukito is very active on other social media channels, always including a link to his store on Facebook and Whatsapp groups.
Maybe you're wondering - that's it? Well, not exactly. This is what worked for Lukito. But there can be many different types of stores. There's a lot more stuff you can do, you know? Check out some other ways to boost your Aptoide store.