Aptoide V9 is here: this is what’s new!

After months of hard work, extreme dedication and many cups of coffee, we are happy to announce that a brand new version of the Aptoide App Store has been launched! The new version is called V9 and it includes really cool new features that will probably blow your minds… just saying.

As always, we took our time to carefully plan what should be changed and what could be improved, so that we could give our users the ultimate App Store experience! So, after listening to your reviews and suggestions, and collectively brainstorming about different ideas, we decided what the main focuses for V9 should be: to improve navigations, give the users a simpler and cleaner interface, and come up with a new look and feel for the Aptoide App Store.

With that in mind, we created some incredible brand new features, that are bound to make Aptoide user’s experience even better! Ready to find out what they are? Read below:

1.The first thing you’ll notice after opening your brand new app store is that we’ve deleted the tab navigation and the drawer, and have replaced it with an awesome brand new bottom navigation. Here you’ll be able to check out the following menus: Home, Search, Stores, and Apps.

2.Another cool feature is that you can now scroll through bundles, without having to actually open them - Carousel style!

3.Can’t seem to find the Updates and Downloads tabs? That’s because they have been merged into one single tab called APPS, part of the bottom navigation.

4.Also, you can now check out your Notification History by going to your account - which you’ll have instant access to, by clicking on your avatar, which is now located on the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

5.My Account also features a brand new option called “Find Friends”. This allows Aptoide to go through your Address Book, Facebook account or Twitter account, to find friends that are also using the Aptoide App Store, and add them to your network, hence, increasing it.

6.The Search Query now caters you with trending apps and makes app search suggestions once you start writing.

7.Also, as in previous versions, once you choose to download an app, a card will be displayed with a new layout, giving you the possibility to recommend it to your friends.

8.Finally, scrolled down to the bottom of the page and you’re simply way too tired to scroll back up? No problem! Just press “HOME” on the navigation tab, and get straight back to the top of the page!

In case you're wondering, we are incredibly curious to find out what you think of these new features that we’ve been working on non-stop for the last months! So, let us know what you think by leaving a comment below or by sending us an email to: support@aptoide.com

Install Aptoide V9 now!